What to do now in this covid 19 pandemic lockdown? Are you sick, lonely, in pain from loosing parents or family members due to this virus spreading the globe. Teiti Imanuel has a lot to tell that might help you in your struggles.
We are facing hard times, loosing members of our families strike us hard but enough is enough. Let us leave the struggles behind. Who has gain extra days of life only by worrying? Imanuel the Messiah had known about humans and their struggle.
St. Matthew 6:27
Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life ?
God always heard the cries of the people. Just like children when crying, their parent would hear their cries. Why then are we facing this crisis after crisis. Some faces sickness while other faces death from war minded people. All this are there because of one thing only, the heart. In humans heart there can be hatred or love.
From hatred comes murder and other nasty things that would make the targeted pay, could be because of what he did. If we could looked back to history and take a look at the lives of the Israelites. The Jews were religious people. They have their own religion called Judaism. But their religion lacks something of great importance, LOVE.
LOVE for their neighbours was their main problem. In those times the Messiah came and establish the foundation for the New Kingdom but the Jews were filled with hatred towards him. He was murdered in the end byou the Jews and the Romans but without realising that he will pay back for what was done to him to those who put him to death.
You may have heard about how the Jews were tortured and all. Those were the works of God taking revenge on his murdered son. As God said that theye will be judged and even now their land, the land of Israel is like a place where smoke and fire would never stops, as what we call it "Hell".
As for the Romans their military powers were striped naked and till now Rome was not in his former authority to control the earth.
God has the power to strike the earth with plaques of all kinds and even misfortunes as often as he likes. He can put into human hearts the willingness to create such misfortunes to others just as He did to The Romans and Hitler.
Ok so what we can do is to be on his side. Anyone on the side of God will not be condemned and alarmed by what happens around him/her.
Let us forget about the pandemic. Let us forget about hardships. Let us forget about misfortunes and predicaments we are so overwhelmed by. But leather us concentrate on becoming on the side of God, and He will protect us from all danger around us.
Teiti Imanuel had gone through many hardships but found God in the end. As the Messiah said that he did not came for the Jews but for those who are sick. Belive in all my teachings I have laid out for you and convert to my Church, the Church of Imanuel. That is what you can do in this covid 19 pandemic. That will make you free in this covid 19 pandemic. That will give you hope, please and comfort in this covid 19 pandemic. Send me a mail and be one of the Saints. We will pray for you and you will indeed recieve the free gift of Everlasting life by our true God, the God of Abraham.
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